It’s inevitable, millions of people will gain 5 or more pounds this holiday season
and if it happens to you, there’s some help for you.
We’re not talking about endless hours in the gym or baked fish with salad everyday,
the help we’re talking about comes from the spice rack.

The spice rack?
Yes, and the spice is Cardamom.
Not as popular as pepper, paprika or ground ginger, but just as beneficial
to your health and if you want to shed those pesky pounds, start adding
cardamom your daily menus.

Researchers first tested this spice on overweight mice and they (the mice)
quickly lost fat and gained lean body mass, despite eating more food than
mice not given the spice.

The researchers say that the spice helps the body release trapped fat and
turbo-charge your metabolism, making it easier to lose weight.
The recommended dose to help you shed the weight: 1 1/2 tsp. per day.
And if you’re not sure what foods go well with cardamom, here’s a list…
Deviled Eggs
Poultry (Chicken and Turkey)
Baked Goods- Pumpkin or Sweet Potato Pie.
Or stir a 1/2 tsp. into your regular tea or herbal tea.

One last tip:
If you or your family members are concerned about the Thanksgiving
dinner adding a few pounds, then add some cardamom to your turkey,
veggies, rice or potatoes, and pie (pumpkin, apple or sweet potato).

* Texas A & M researchers
* First For Women Magazine-Nov. 27, 2023 Edition
Journal Alternative Health

Please make sure to share this valuable information with family
and friends to help them shed the pounds they may gain this
fall and winter season. Share it over at Facebook, Pinterest, Snapchat,
Instagram, Reddit, Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).

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If you enjoyed this article and want to see more like it, please do us
a favor and tap the donate button at the top of the page and leave
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