As we roll into fall and winter, for many, that means soup time and
if you’re one who loves to make soups this time of year, then you may
want to make a soup that’ll help a lot of seniors as they get older.

A soup to help seniors as they get older?
Yes. Well, it can also help teens as well, especially if they’re involved in sports.
First, the soup: Lentil soup.
And the problem many seniors face: Balance.
That’s right, whether walking outdoors during a snowfall or standing in
the shower, many seniors fear losing their balance, like they fear losing their
hearing, eyesight or memory.
And if you’re one who enjoys soup, then you may want to start adding a food
that not only tastes great, but will also help them with balance.

The food:
Lentils, more specifically-Red Lentils.
The legumes are high in protein, which helps you build and maintain
muscles, and they’re not loaded with fat and cholesterol like meat.
More benefits: High in B vitamin B6, Pantothenic acid and thiamine
and if better balance is your major concern, then you may want to go to
for red lentils.
These legumes are high in vitamin B9, also known as folate, and the
more folate you get, the better your balance will be.
Just eat 1 cup of red lentils 3 to 5 times a week and you’ll get 90% of
the folate needed to maintain balance and reduce your odds of falling by 35%.
And lastly, if you have a teen that’s involved in a sport or activity that requires
balance–Martial arts, gymnastics, (become the next Olivia Dunne),
rock climbing, volleyball or football, make sure to feed them some of the soup
as well.

Look for a recipe.
We usually end our posts with a recipe that correlates to the subject at hand, but
today, we decided it’s best, you the reader should decide that for yourself on this
particular subject.
Listed below, are two websites that boast of having the best lentil soup
recipes out there, so go ahead and make both recipes and then decide which
you like best.
Or better yet, you can go to Google or Youtube and find a lentil soup recipe
that you’ll enjoy.

The 2 sites:

* Woman’s World Magazine, Oct. 30th 2023 Issue
* Alternative Medical Journal- Article- Eating Your Way To Better Balance

Please make sure to pass this article onto family and friends, especially those
that getting up there in age and those that are involved in sports. Better balance
is beneficial to both groups.
Share this info over at, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram, (stories),
Reddit, Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).

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