What is your choice of sweetener?
Is it honey, stevia, agave or monk fruit?
Well, you just may want to try the new kid (sweetener) on the block.

What is it?
Lucama Powder.
It’s a low-cal sweetener from Peru and it’s made from Peruvian lucama fruits.
Often called “the gold of the Incas.” the flavor has been compared to a sweet
potato with a touch of maple syrup, making it the perfect fruit powder to add to
any fall baked dish, squash dish (butternut or acorn) or smoothie.

And if you’re concerned about digestion, eyesight or memory, it (lucama)
can also help with these physical ailments.
First up-
* Improved Sight-
The yellow color of the fruit comes from its rich stores of xanthophyllis, a
group of plant compounds that includes the vision-protecting nutrients
lutein and zeaxanthin. Getting a daily dose of these nutrients can lower
your risk of age-related macular degeneration by 45%.

* Better Digestion-
Digestion woes affect millions of people worldwide and if you too have
problems with your stomach, perhaps adding some lucama powder to your
daily regimen may be the answer to your prayers. Lucama powder is packed
with insoluble fiber, which keeps the digestive system moving along nicely.
Researchers say that increasing fiber intake reduces the risk of constipation
without the bothersome symptoms of laxatives.

* Keep Memory Intact-
Worrying about memory loss is another concern for many of us who are
aging and if it (memory loss) concerns you, then you may need to add some
lucama powder to your hot cereal or a smoothie.
It’s a good source of a variety of nutrients, including beta-carotene and B vitamins.
And boosting levels of these vitamins is key for keeping your brain sharp.

So, now that you’re aware of this brand new fruit, it’s time to buy it and use it.
And once you have it your possession it’s time to use and to help you get started-
here’s a smoothie recipe.
The smoothie: Milky Banana Spice Smoothie!
2 frozen bananas
1 Tbs. of Lucama powder
1/2 tsp. of cinnamon
1 cup of skim, almond or oat milk
To make:
Place all of the ingredients in a blender or juicer; blend until smooth.
Pour into two glasses
Calories per smoothie-170

And lastly,
Since this product is new to the U.S. you may be able to find it at Whole Foods,
Trader Joe’s or go online to Amazon.com.

* The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
* Researchers if Cochrane Reviews
* University of Wisconsin, Research Team
* Recipe from A Taste of Home Magazine

Please pass to article on to family and friends who are looking for
a healthy and safer alternative to white sugar. And to those
who love the fall flavors of sweet potatoes and maple syrup.
You can share it over at Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram(stories),
Reddit, Pinterest, Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).

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