A number of people are seriously affected by the changes that occur during the Fall,
you know, the darker, colder and shorter days. Plus, indulging in our favorite foods
from Oct. to Feb. can change our brain chemistry and make us more depressed,
and if this describes you, then you may want to try the “natural” remedy that
people in Denmark, Iceland and Norway employ. Their natural remedy: Fish!

That’s right, people in Scandinavian countries not only eat it because it’s plentiful
and available, but they also eat more fish because they found out it (fish) contains
vital vitamins and nutrients (omega-3’s) and beneficial fatty acids.
Also important: Buying salmon, trout, sardines and mackerel will do wonders for
your mental health, but you must also remember that you must eat a clean diet
for the fish to work it’s miraculous powers.
So, this means you must cut way down on the sweet treats, processed foods,
beverages like soda and alcohol, and carb-heavy foods (lasagne and stuffed shells)
for it (the fish) to be effective against the blue and dark moods that occur in the
fall and winter.
Another tip:
Exercise. Be it walking indoors to a Youtube video, or 30 minutes of yoga
or jumping up and down on a rebounder will do wonders to keep depression
and blue moods at bay.

And one last tip:
If you’re concerned about the mercury levels in fish, researchers say that right
now is the time to buy fresh fish.
Researchers have discovered that mercury in wild-caught fish is 30% to 40%
lower in the summer and fall, making now an ideal time to buy plenty of it
and stock up. The researchers think the colder weather and less access to food
during the winter can slow the metabolism of fresh fish, leading to a buildup of
mercury. And in the colder months, Jan. through March, look for canned, wild
caught fish or have farm-raised fish once or twice a week.

* Environmental Researchers
* Finnish Researchers
* JAMA Psychiatry

Please make sure to pass this article on to loved ones and acquaintances
who suffer from “SAD” (also known as dark and depressive moods) during
the fall and winter months.
Pass it along over at Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, (stories), Pinterest,
Tik-Tok, Reddit and X formerly known as Twitter.
