If you’re making smoothies now that a lot of fresh produce is available make sure you’re
including plenty of this green.

The green:

A lot of people drink and eat a lot of spinach in the hopes they’ll
get the slim and trim figure, they’ve always wanted.
But don’t forget about the other benefits.

The other benefits?
According to new research, adding spinach to a smoothie can boost brain
activity and improve your vision and to really make this smoothie more
effective, add some milk to it, (cow’s or coconut).

Why milk?
It’ll help you absorb lutein, the spinach compound vital for healthy aging
of the eyes and brain.

So, if you’re able to buy a lot of fresh spinach this time of year, please do it.
Not only will your waistline thank you, but your eyes and brain will thank you
as well.

One last tip:
Need some green (spinach) smoothie recipes?
Head to google.com or youtube.com and type Green (spinach) smoothies
or Spinach smoothies in the search bar.
And when using one of these recipes, make sure you choose those that
have the most nutrient-dense ingredients.
Try and avoid recipes that may have a lot of fattening ingredients like
nuts, choc. chips, and very sweet fruits, and ingredients that affect lutein,
like…plain yogurt, and milks made from almonds, oats and soy.

* Swedish Research Team
* Journal– Nutrients

Please pass this article on to family and friends who love making smoothies
and are also interested in keeping their eyesight and brain health at optimal
levels well into their golden years.
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