When it comes to weight loss, one doesn’t usually think of dips.
You know the food that’s served at parties and sporting events, but
that’s old news, thanks to some new research, adding this type of food
to your dips not only makes them healthier, but also helps speed up
weight loss.

And there’s more-
According to some medical specialists, the reason for the extra weight
so many are carrying, may be the liver. More specifically- Non-alcoholic fatty
liver. There are no symptoms for the condition, and the damage doesn’t stay
hidden, when our livers are taxed, we store more fat, especially around the
And something even better: This food tip may work better, be less expensive and
safer than the popular diabetes drug Ozempic, (which thousands are using for
weight loss).

A Simple solution.
And that simple fix is eating more vegetables. Vegetables that contain sulfur
compounds called glucosinates.
These vegetables work like medicine, (safe and very cheap medicine),
making weigh loss effortless.

Why vegetables with glucosinates?
They (the vegetables) set off an enzyme reaction that turns fat-soluble compounds
trapped in the liver into water-soluble compounds. And water soluble compounds
can literally be excreted during visits to the bathrooms, (urination).

And lastly,
Glucosinates also work on cells to snuff out fat-packing inflammation, and it’s not
just your liver that benefits, every cell in the body benefits. By reducing inflammation,
glucosinates then reduce body-wide fluid retention and bloat.

So, eat these types of vegetables with two meals a day, and you’ll change your body
in ways you’d never imagine.

What are the “Glu-foods,” you ask?
Brassicas- a type of cabbage

So, with all of that information, it’s now recipe time.
When writing out this week’s grocery list, include the foods
listed below and start healing your liver.
Below are 2 dips that you can serve at parties, anniversaries,
sleepovers or sporting event parties.

Dip No. 1-
Creamy Artichoke Dip-
To make:
Preheat oven to 375*F.
Mix 1 cup of each-chopped arugula, artichoke hearts and sauerkraut,
4 oz. of cream cheese, 1/4 cup of mayo and 1/2 tsp. of garlic powder
(or salt).
Top with 1/4 cup of Parmesan cheese and bake for 25 minutes.
Enough for 8 servings.
Another great tip:
Since sauerkraut is one of the ingredients, you’ll also get some probiotics,
which support gut health and speed up weight loss.

Dip No. 2-
Super-Healthy Hummus!
Hummus is eaten by millions all around the world, and if you want to
keep your liver in tip-top shape and avoid weight gain, this is the hummus
for you. You can buy some hummus at your favorite grocery store (make sure
to read the ingredient list) or go to google.com or Youtube and find and type
in healthy hummus recipe. Copy the recipe, buy the ingredients and then make it
at home. And to get the liver-boosting and weight loss benefits, chop up some
steamed cauliflower, broccoli and kale and use these to scoop up the hummus
and not chips or gluten-rich toasted bread.

* Amy Shah, M.D. Harvard trained Internist
* Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Nutritionist and Best Selling Author
* Delicious Dip Recipes from First for Women Magazine, 8/14/23 Edition

Please pass this article and the recipes on to loved who may have a
fatty liver or are struggling to lose some weight.
Share it over at Facebook, Instagram (stories), Pinterest, Snapchat,
Reddit, Tik-Tok or Twitter.
