You may have heard that a number of people are having success losing weight
using some new drugs. The drugs-Ozempic and Wegovy were made to help those
dealing with Type-2 diabetes, but after patients used the drugs, they found out
that the drugs had a pleasant side effect: Suppressing one’s appetite, which was
resulting in rapid weight loss.
But as with all good things, those who did experience weight loss, also experienced
some unpleasant things and they were constipation, diarrhea and nausea.

The 2 drugs have gained in popularity, thanks to high profile people like Jeremey Clarkson,
(popular U.K. television host, billionaire Elon Musk and even fashion maven and
reality T.V. star Kim Kardasdian and a number of Hollywood celebrities, who are claiming
the drug (s) are helping them shed weight quickly.
The drugs spur weight loss by mimicking the actions of a hormone released in the
gut after eating and the hormone GLP-1.
In addition to telling the pancreas to make more insulin, the GLP-1 hormone
feeds back to the brain and makes us feel full much quicker and helps us
drop unwanted weight.

So, now that you know a little more about Ozempic and Wegovy and you decided
against them, there’s one more option you can take.
The other option:
Choose foods that mimick both Ozempic and Wegovy, helping lose those unwanted
pounds and feel full faster.

And those foods are…
Avocados- (make sure to prepare them in a way that’s not too fattening).
Eat them with a little mustard, a Tbs. of olive oil and some spices.
Lean meats- turkey and chicken breasts, ground turkey and lean hamburgers.
Eggs- Pastured raised and organic
And foods high in fermentable fiber:
Slightly green bananas
Potatoes and rice- cook them, then refrigerate and eat the starches the
next day.

That’s it- your guide to losing weight using food and not potentially dangerous
pharmaceutical drugs.

* Dr. Emma Beckett, nutritionist and lecturer at the University of Newcastle
in Australia
* Journal of Food & Medicine

Please make sure to share this article with family and friends who are thinking
about taking Ozempic or Wegovy to shed a few pounds.
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