11 Uses for White Vinegar!

If you’re a fan of white vinegar in a green salad, then you may want
to know that’s not all it (vinegar) can do.
Listed below, are 11 other things you can do with that bottle of white vinegar.

1) Make It Shine-
As in your appliances. Remove smudges and fingerprints from your stove
or microwave with vinegar. Add 1 cup to an 8 oz. spray bottle and spritz the
appliance’s surface liberally, then wipe with a soft cloth. Acids in the vinegar
will break down any oily residue on the toaster or microwave, leaving it shiny
and fingerprint-free.

2) Help For Fingernails-
Does the nail polish on your fingernails chips after a few days? Put an end to
it by using vinegar. Before applying that first coat of polish, moisten a cotton ball
with vinegar and wipe it over your nails. Vinegar’s mild acids will break down
the surface oils on your nails, so the polish sticks smoothly and will be less prone
to chips.

3) Cleaner Cutting Boards-
You use your cutting board during the week and if you’re worried that some
types of meat juices will penetrate and contaminate the board, put those fears
aside and get the vinegar. To sanitize it (the board), saturate a paper towel in white
vinegar and use it to wipe the board after each use. The vinegar’s acids are a known
disinfectant and will eliminate any harmful bacteria that may be stuck on it.

4) Prevent Bruising-
If you bang your knee or elbow and are concerned that it (the bruise) will turn
black-and-blue, vinegar to the rescue. To ward off the discoloring, saturate a piece
of gauze in white vinegar and apply it to your skin. Hold the gauze in place with
bandages or medical tape. Leave it on for 30 mins. then rinse with warm water.
The pantry staple enhances circulation near the skin’s surface so blood won’t pool,
preventing bruises from forming.

5) New Pair of Jeans-
Oh no, you want to wear that new pair of jeans but they’re not yet broken in,
what do you do? Head to the cabinet and get the white vinegar.
Break in those stiff jeans by running them through a regular wash cycle,
adding 1/2 cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle (add 1/4 cup to the bleach compartment
for high-efficiency washers). The acids in vinegar will dissolve starch on the jeans,
helping to soften them.

6) Clearing The Drains-
Safer and Less Expensive drain cleaner.
Putting certain things (lye and Draino) down the drain and then pouring
in some hot water can do serious damage to the pipes, so use vinegar
and baking soda.
Pour 1/2 box of baking soda down the drain, followed by 1 cup of vinegar.
The fizz formed by the chemical reaction between the acidic vinegar and
alkaline baking soda will dissolve blockages. Wait 5 mins. then pour cold
water down the drain.

7) The Scent of Paint-
Avoid the fumes from a newly painted room with vinegar. Get out a few bowls
(medium-sized) and pour in some vinegar. Leave the bowls in the room for
a few hours. Vinegar will absorb the offending fumes. Pour the vinegar
down the drain when the paint vapors are gone.
This will also work in rooms where teen boys spend most of their time.

8) The Litter Box-
Just as vinegar can eliminate paint fumes, it also works equally well on the
litter box. No amount of soap and water seems to get rid of the odors from
that litter box, but let’s not give up just yet and try the vinegar.
To begin, wash the litter box with soap and warm water, then pour 1/2″ layer
of vinegar into the box. Let sit for 20 mins. Rinse with warm water and dry
completely before refilling it. Vinegar’s acetic acid will kill any odor-causing
bacteria inside the box.

9) Remove The Pesticides-
Organic fruit and vegetables at your local supermarket are way too pricey,
no problem- just make your own natural cleaner at home.
To make: Pour your fruit or vegetables into a medium or a large bowl
or pot, add 2 Tbs. of baking soda and a few Tbs. of vinegar.
Leave it alone for 15 mins. and then rinse the produce off with warm water.
This combination removes 85% of harmful chemicals and pesticides.

10) Iron Works-
Your iron isn’t working as well as it should, residue from synthetic fabric
may be clogging the steam holes. To fix this-pour 1 cup of white vinegar
in the water tank, then set the iron upright and run on the steam setting
for 5 mins. Pour out any remaining liquid, fill with water and repeat the
process. The vinegar will break down the built-in gunk in a matter of minutes.

11) Restore Those Boots-
Your favorite winter boots are stained and discolored due to the snow, sand
and salt and to remedy that, combine equal amounts of water and white
vinegar in a bowl, dip a cotton swab into the liquid and dab it on any stains.
The acids in the vinegar will dissolve the salt crystals causing the unsightly
stains-without damaging the leather.

* Green Child Magazine
* Live Naturally Magazine
* Real Simple Magazine

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