If you’re into tailgating, (a food and beverage party in the parking lot, right before
a big game) or if you invite friends and family over for board games, you may want
to avoid putting out chips, dips, sweets (cupcakes) and other unhealthy snacks
and go for the already established fan favorite.

The fan favorite:
Or more specifically avocados.

Why avocados?
Researchers at a major medical center asked some patients to eat an avocado
each day to see what effect it would have on their health.
Well, the subjects ate 1 whole avocado each day for 6 months, and the results:
Reduced risk of heart disease
Blood-sugar numbers went down
Lowered their risk of certain cancers
Lost a few pounds and some maintained their weight
A slight decrease in “bad” cholesterol (LDL)
Plumper skin,
Better moods
Thicker and shinier hair
Less joint pains, and more flexibility
So, if you’ve been avoiding avocados because you thought they weren’t good for you,
you may want to put them back on the menu.

And something that’s also important- foods like avocados, dark chicken, dark
chocolate, egg yolks and wine, often get a bad rap because they’re
considered bad for your cholesterol or will cause weight gain, and it’s simply not true,
but adding lots of olive oil and using unhealthy chips to eat your guacamole, then yes,
weight may go up and bad cholesterol will increase.
But, find a low-cal recipe to prepare guacamole or eat an avocado with some spicy
mustard and lemon juice and you too, will reap a number of benefits, (health benefits).

That’s it, for today, a short and to the point article about the benefits of the powerful
and super tasty fruit known as the avocado.
And if you live near an Aldi, Walmart, Trader’s Joe, Kroger’s, Costco or B.J.’s head
there today or this week and see if they’re on sale and i f they are, stock up.

Another tip: When avocados ripen, you can peel them, remove the pit, sprinkle on
some lemon juice (to prevent browning) and then place them in plastic containers
or bags and freeze them for up to 1 or 2 months.
Then thaw them out, and add to soups, stir-fries or whisk them with bananas, cocoa powder,
vanilla extract and a Tbs. of honey and make yourself some homemade (and healthy)
chocolate Ice cream.
And lastly,
if you need recipes that’ll are low-cal and good for you, just head online to youtube and
type low-cal or healthy recipes using avocados in the search bar.

* Journal of the American Heart Association
* Penny Kris-Etherton, Ph.D. study co-author

Make sure to share this article with loved ones and friends who may
also think the worst of avocados, and let them read the real truth.
Share it over at Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, LinkedIn, Tik-Tok,
Reddit, Pinterest and Twitter.