If you plan on cleaning out the refrigerator this weekend, hold onto some of the
fruits and vegetables (mainly the peels) in that drawer.
Why should you hold onto old and rotting fruits and vegetables?
To enhance your beauty.

That’s right, kitchen scraps like carrot and lemon peels are loaded with
nutrients that help slow down the aging process.

So, if you plan on making soup, a green juice or some lemonade, hold onto
the scraps and use them to…

a) Cucumbers-
If enlarged pores are causing you embarrassment, use cucumber peels
to close them. Plant compounds in the popular summer fruit have astringent
properties that constrict pores so they appear smaller.
To make:
Remove the peel from a cucumber in 1/2″ strips, place the inside of the peel
directly onto skin where pores are enlarged and let sit for 10 to 15 mins. Repeat
once a week to keep skin looking toned and tightened.

b) Apples-
You can use the inside and the peel of an apple, but today, we’ll focus on the peel.
Apple peels contain vitamin K, a vital nutrient that helps repair damaged skin
so scars look less noticeable.
To make: In a blender, combine the skin from 1 apple with 2 Tbs. of brown sugar
and 2 Tbs. of coconut oil. Massage scar with the mixture for 1 min.; rinse off after
10 mins. Repeat twice a week. It may take 30 to 45 days to see results.

c) Oranges and Lemons-
Get rid of age spots.
If you eat more citrus in the fall and winter, save the peels.
The natural oils found on the outside of lemon and orange peels
contain skin-brightening vitamin C and citric acid, which work together
to fade discoloration fast. Plus, antioxidants in the rind help protect skin
to prevent new spots from forming.
To make:
Rub the rind of the orange or lemon peel onto any dark spots for 30 secs.
at a time. Let sit for 15 mins. Use it two or three times a week to
reveal less discolored hands.
Another tip: In addition to helping you look more youthful, you can also
clean a lemon or orange peel and grate some of it into your morning
bowl of oatmeal, a smoothie or a green or fruit salad.
The peel contains powerful compounds that help lower cholesterol,
put an end to constant dizziness and protect your skin from the
Sun’s harmful rays. (consider it natural sunscreen).

d) Bananas-
Some people use banana peels to shine their shoes, but if you
or someone close to you is suffering from “Bacne” (acne on the back)
hold onto that peel. Using a banana peel on your back helps
exfoliate away the dead cells that clog pores while the peel’s
antibacterial properties help kill acne-causing bacteria.
Plus, banana peels can also reduce the swelling and redness
that comes with breakouts.
To make:
Take a banana peel, and rub the inside of it over acne spots on the
back for a minute or two. After 15 mins. rinse off the residue
with a warm washcloth. Do this 2 to 3 times a week.
And if you’re wondering- can one use the peel on facial acne?
The answer: Yes.

e) Carrots-
Keep friends in the dark about your true age and to do that, use
carrot peels. Carrots contain vitamin A, which encourages collagen
production to diminish fine lines and wrinkles.
To make:
Place a few carrot peels in a blender, along with 1 Tbs. of olive oil
(hydrates the skin) and 1 Tbs. of plain yogurt (dissolves dead skin cells)
Blend for 30 to 45 secs. Take a comfortable chair (or even lie back)
and apply to the face and neck area. Leave on for 15 mins. and then
rinse off. Use 2 times a week to keep skin youthful and taut.
And if your hands are starting to show signs of aging, use this
special mask on them as well.

f) Coffee-
A youthful and slimmer neckline.
Yes, it’s a plant and if you’ve been throwing the grounds out,
stop and hold onto them. The caffeine in coffee grounds has diuretic
properties that draw out excess water from the skin, so the area under
the chin appears youthful and tighter.
To make:
Mix 1/4 cup of brewed coffee grounds with the whites from 1 egg (to tighten
the skin) and 1 Tbs. of olive oil (hydrates the skin).
Sit back and massage onto skin from the jawline down to the neck;
leave on for 15 mins. and then rinse off with water.

* Scott-Vincent Borba, Celebrity Aesthician
* OK Magazine, Celebrity Magazine
* Organic Spa Magazine

Please pass this article onto family and friends who want to “save the planet”
and prevent the waste of food (especially fruits and veggies).
Share it over at Facebook, Tik-Tok, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest,
Reddit, LinkedIn and Twitter.

And lastly, if you need help with this year’s Thanksgiving holiday,
look for 2 E-books available right now, over at Amazon.com/kindle store.
The 2 Ebooks:
The Cooking and Cleaning Rxs Just For Thanksgiving
Don’t let all of the cooking and cleaning overwhelm you this year.
Learn some speed-cleaning secrets and insider secrets to making the
best mashed potatoes, pie crusts, stuffing, gravy and turkey.

2nd Ebook: How To Make The Thanksgiving Holiday More Meaningful.
Have you forgotten the true meaning of Thanksgiving?
Learn how to create more gratitude for the holiday and year-round.
