If any type of cancer, be it cervical, ovarian, breast or lung scares you and
you want to do something nutritionally, you’re in luck.
Listed below, are the six best foods (available at any grocery store)
to fight certain cancers.

a) Breast Cancer-
Although it may be a little hard to get fresh peaches now that the summer season
is over, you can head to the frozen food aisle and get them frozen. Peaches are
loaded with compounds that help block the growth of suspicious breast cells.
Eat 2 to 3 cups of peaches each week and lower your odds of ever getting
breast cancer by 33%.
Some other foods that also help lower your odds: eggplant, plums, blueberries
and extra-virgin olive oil.
One more tip: You may be tempted to use peaches to make decadent desserts,
but don’t do it.
An occasional scoop of peach Ice cream or peach cobbler is okay, but eat it
on a regular basis and you’re only increasing your odds of getting breast and
maybe other cancers. Sugar is the no. 1 friend of cancer.
b) Cervical Cancer-
Enjoy the fall fruit- grapefruit and you can lower your odds of cervical and endrometrial
cancers by 25%. Pink grapefruit is rich in 2 cancer-fighting nutrients-which prod pre-
cancerous cells to self-destruct. Another food that fights cervical cancer-tomatoes,
(especially cooked)
c) Colon Cancer-
Something both men and women have to look out for and if it concerns you,
then add a few nuts to your daily menus. Yes, nuts. Usually given a bad rap due
to the high fat content, 2 to 3 Tbs. (daily) of cashews, pecans, walnuts or almonds
can lower colon cancer risks by 40%. Nuts contain both healthy minerals
and fats, a potent combination that can help heal damaged intestinal cells, which is
a key to keeping them cancer-free.
Other foods that also help: Tuna, onions and chicken (baked)
Important tip:
Just like the peach tip, you may be tempted to add nuts to sugar-laden
sweet treats, but don’t do it, your colon will thank you as will your waistline.
d) Lung Cancer-
Are you a fan of picking apples in the Fall? If you are, make sure to
eat 1 or 2 a day. Eating an apple (or two) each day slashes your risk of
contracting lung cancer by a whopping 62%. Apples contain flavonoids,
a type of antioxidant in apples, which rein in lung-damaging inflammation.
Another plus–apples can also shield you from winter ills like colds, pneumonia
So, if you have someone close to you suffering from respiratory issues-
COPD or emphysema, make him or her some homemade (sugarless)
applesauce or apple juice, by placing an apple (or two) in your juicer
or Nutri-bullet.
e) All Cancers-
Coffee or Tea-
Drink 3 to 5 cups of freshly brewed tea or coffee and cut your
risk of overall cancer risk by 25%. Both beverages are rich in
antioxidants that fight all types of cancers.
f) Ovarian Cancer-
The old adage “An apple a day” still applies, but we may need a
new adage. The new adage: ” eat a salad a day” and lower your odds of getting
ovarian cancer by 50%. Eat leafy greens (romaine, watercress, arugula and
spinach) because all contain antioxidants that help keep ovarian cells normal.

* Journal Food and Toxicology
* Texas A & M University, Research Dept.
* British Journal of Cancer

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