Oh no, it’s that time of year again, what time? Cold and Flu time and if you want
to rev up your body’s own defenses and want to do it “naturally,” continue
reading for six tips.

a) Take This Supplement-
A number of supplements were tested and the one that came in first: Grapeseed
Seed Extract. It (GSE) destroyed 72 common viruses and bacteria, it destroyed
them all. GSE destroys germs by punching holes in their cell membranes.
Recommended dose: 375 to 500 mg daily.
Important tip: Always check with your doctor before taking any type of supplement.
Grapefruit may cause problems for those who are taking blood pressure meds.

b) Do a Nasal Rinse-
Reduce congestion, pain and other nasal problems just by rinsing your sinuses.
Salt kills viruses and dampens inflammation. Saline rinses are available in
pharmacies. Spritz several times in each nostril, then blow your nose gently.
Need help on using nasal spritzes? Go to youtube.com and type how to rinse
with nasal sprays in the search bar.

c) Drink a Little-
Coffee. Sipping coffee will help you feel alert as you do when you’re virus-free.
Caffeine counteracts the grogginess caused by respiratory infections.
Important tip: Make sure to have the coffee without sugar and sweet treats.
Sugar can cause both inflammation and respiratory problems.

d) Drink Some Tea-
You may already drink black and/or green tea, but if you are sick and want to
recover faster, drink Panax ginseng tea. This tea triggers a 30% increase in
virus-killing immune cells.
More tips: Look for this particular brand of tea at health-food stores,
Asian markets or Whole Foods and brew as directed on the label.
And it may also go by the name Chinese ginseng or Korean ginseng.

e) Take a Soak-
As in a hot bath. Raising your body temp once a day at the first sign of a cold
is often enough to stop an advancing cold and flu in its tracks.
Taking a 20 minute hot bath is an effective way to get over that cold faster.
Viruses are heat-sensitive so temperature spikes kill them off fast.
Another benefit: The steam from a hot bath opens and drains your sinuses,
cutting your risk of a sinus infection by 40% or more.

f) The Best Vitamin-
If you’re thinking it’s C, give yourself an F, because you’re wrong.
Actually, it’s vitamin A. That’s right, and taking it during cold and flu season
could reduce your risk of catching a cold by 30%. Vitamin A boosts production
of natural killer cells-immune system heroes that can destroy even the nastiest
Recommended dose: Take 4,000 to 5,000 IUs a day.
Another tip: If you want to save money and get your vitamin A from
food, start eating orange vegetables, like butternut squash, pumpkin,
mangoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, beef liver, lamb liver, cod liver oil, eggs
and goat cheese. And one last tip: There may be one side effect of increasing
vitamin A foods in your diet, the side effect: More youthful and taut skin.

* Jordan S. Josephson, MD.
* New York Nasal and Sinus Center
* Hyla Cass, M.D. Author of Supplement Your Prescription

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