Are you tired of the store-bought and not so good for you marinades available
at most grocery stores?
Well, do like your great-grand and grandparents did decades ago and make
your own. The 4 marinades listed below contain only 5 ingredients and
all of the ingredients will only enhance your health and the flavors of
the meat and veggie dishes.

Marinade No. 1-
Minty-Citrus Marinade!
This marinade is a touch of tangy and is a great addition to any grilled
or baked veggie dish.
To make: In a blender, combine 1/3 cup of orange juice, 2 Tbs. of
orange zest, 2 Tbs. of extra-virgin olive oil, 1/4 cup of fresh mint and 1/2
tsp. of paprika. If this needs salt and pepper, by all means, add some.

Marinade No. 2-
Spicy Hot Honey Lime Marinade!
Use this marinade to tenderize a tough cut of steak (London Broil)
or to flavor fajitas or tacos.
To make:
In a food processor, combine 1/2 jalapeno (remove the seeds and ribs)
1/4 cup of lime juice, 1 tsp. of lime zest, 1/4 cup of olive oil and 2 tsp. of
dark honey.
Need more marinade? Double or even triple the ingredients.
And more info on tenderizing meat- Place a piece of “tough” steak in a thick ziploc
plastic bag, pour in the marinade, seal it up and leave in the refrigerator
for a few hours or overnight. In the morning, remove the excess marinade
and grill or cook in the oven as usual.

Marinade No. 3-
Peachy Keen Marinade-
Tired of bland and flavorless pork tenderloin or pork chops? Use this peach and vinegar
marinade to make them even more delicious.
To make:
In a food processor (or blender) place 2 peaches, 1 Tbs. of thyme, 1 Tbs. of
fresh rosemary, 1/4 cup of olive oil and 1 Tbs. of balsamic vinegar. (no balsamic-
use apple cider vinegar). Blend for 45 to 60 secs. or until completely smooth.
Important tip: If using a blender, make sure to cut the peaches into bite-sized

Marinade No. 4-
Ginger-Turmeric Marinade!
Put aside the barbecue sauce you usually pour atop the chicken wings,
chicken legs, breasts and thighs and give this marinade a try. It’s made with
ginger, nutmeg and turmeric.
To make: In a blender, add 1 tsp. of ground turmeric, 1/4 tsp. of ground nutmeg,
a 2″ piece of fresh garlic, (chopped) 1/2 cup of olive oil and 1/4 cup of apple
cider vinegar. Blend until smooth.

* How to Grill (book)
* Rodney Scott’s World of Barbecue Cookbook available online at
* Barbecue Bible Sauces, Rubs and Marinades Cookbook, available online

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who love to grill, barbecue or Air-fry.
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