Are you one who likes to have an adult beverage on the weekend?
Or are you the type that really likes to have more than a few adult beverages
on the weekend?
Well, if you’re in the latter category and you have to deal with a hangover on
Sunday or Monday and you’re tired of using aspirin, there’s something
green that might work even better.

The Green: Asparagus!
Yes, the Spring veggie that gets little respect but can help you sidestep
a hangover.
Researchers say that asparagus contains amino acids and minerals
that shield liver cells against the surge in toxins from alcohol.
And your Rx for avoiding the next-day headache, nausea and fatigue:
Eat four asparagus (making sure to eat the tips) as they (the tips)
have the highest concentration of hangover-preventing nutrients.

And for those who don’t drink and don’t need a Rx for hangovers,
you too, can still eat asparagus and benefit in another way.
It promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut and reduces the
risk of bloat, burps and gas.
Eat 4 to 6 spears for the benefits to your gut (intestines).

A tip for asparagus haters:
We’re aware that a lot of people aren’t fans of the green spears
and for you, there’s a supplement. The supplement: Asparagus
extract. Look for Swanson Asparagus Young Shoots,
at drugstores, Walmart or online at and take one
capsule before your night of drinking.
Important tip:
Talk to your health-care provider before taking any type of supplement.

And lastly, for those who aren’t sure what to do to asparagus once
you bring it home, here’s a recipe.
Oven-Baked Cheesy Asparagus!
10 to 12 Asparagus Spears- Cut off about an inch or two off the stem.
Clean and rinse.
2 Tbs. of Olive oil
1/2 tsp. of sea salt
1/2 tsp. of black or white pepper
1/2 cup of grated Parmesan or Mozzarella cheese.
To make:
Preheat the oven to 350*F.
Lay the asparagus down on a baking sheet, pour the olive oil
on, making sure to coat both sides, add the salt and pepper,
and then top with the cheese. Bake for 20 to 30 minutes, or until
the stalks are a golden brown color. Make sure to keep an eye on the
oven and not let the green spears get to brown.
One more tip for barbecuers and/or grillers- If you do any outdoor cooking
on a grill, use this recipe to cook the asparagus on it (the grill).

* Journal of Clinical Investigation
* Imbibe Magazine
* Korean Research Team
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