Spicy snack for a weekend football game.

If minor aches and pains are making your life miserable and you want something
other than doctor-prescribed meds, then you may want to try the popular
weekend snack and see if it’s the answer you’re looking for.

The Weekend Snack:
That’s right-the popular snack that’s on a lot of American tables during
the weekend can help ease those aches and pains.
The real star of this dish isn’t the avocado, it’s the red pepper, (cayenne) that
deserves the credit. Red pepper contains capsaicin, which is a compound in
red pepper that stimulates a rush of ache-easing endorphins. To get the
pain-killing benefits, enjoy 1/4 cup of hot salsa or add 1 Tbs. of hot sauce
or hot peppers to meals and snacks.

In addition to eating more spice-(red peppers), you can also do some other
natural things to ease aches and pains, things like…

* Take Your Shoes Off-
You may be familiar with the stories of people in Africa, the people who rarely
wear shoes and if you adopt this practice, it can help ease pain by 35%.
Walking barefoot on a slightly uneven surface (like grass or a nubby rug)
stimulates acupressure points on the soles of the feet enhances endorphin
release. Not able to get outdoors to walk barefoot? Get a golf ball or tennis ball.
Sit down and place a tennis or golf ball under your foot and roll the ball around
for 2 to 3 minutes each foot. Placing your foot on a golf or tennis ball stimulates
certain acupressure points that enhance endorphins, the endorphins that help
you feel less achy.

* Do Good Deeds-
Doing random or non-random acts of kindness trigger the release of endorphins
instantly easing minor aches. So, leave a note to your spouse or child, telling them
how much you love them. Or give a bag of empty bottles to someone on the street
who’s walking with a bag of empty bottles and cans. Or take money and/or food
(dog or cat) food to an animal shelter.

* Exercise-
We’re not talking about walking for 30 mins. or weightlifting for 60 minutes,
no-the only exercise you should do is swing your arms from side to side,
across your body, while taking deep breaths and you’ll loosen tight muscles
throughout your body. Researchers say that deep breathing stimulates the
release of pain-killing endorphins while the gentle stretch improves the flow
of oxygen-rich blood to muscles, easing inflammation.

* Make Guacamole-
As mentioned earlier, guacamole with spicy red pepper can help boost
ache-easing endorphins and if you need a recipe, here’s one that’s
tasty, spicy and great for minor and pains.

Recipe for “Spicy Guacamole!”
3 avocados-seeds removed and mashed
2 tomatoes, seeded and diced
1 small onion, finely chopped
2 jalapenos, seeded and chopped*
2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
3 Tbs. of lime juice
To make:
In a bowl, mix all of the ingredients; and a little dash of
salt and pepper. Stir and serve with gluten-free chips,
or sliced up veggies, (green squash, celery, and carrots).
For those who like it hotter, add a tsp. (or two) of hot sauce to this
Enough for 4 servings.
* Jalapenos- If you’re not a fan, just sprinkle on a 1/2 tsp. of cayenne pepper.

* North Carolina Univ. at Chapel Hill
* Cornell University, Research Dept.
* Journal of Psychology
* AllRecipes.com
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