Are you tired of the pests that show up each Summer?
You know, the ants, mosquitos, snails and snakes.
And if you don’t want to use store-bought and potentially dangerous
toxic insecticides, then you may want to use the following all-natural
products that can be found at any grocery store.

a) Ants-
When the weather gets warmer, the ants make a bee-line for your home
and if you don’t want to use ant-repellants, traps or sprays, then buy
some cornmeal. Place the cornmeal down where you see the most
ants. Ants love the taste of cornmeal, and after eating it, they may
not be able to digest it properly and just die off.
Some people also use cinnamon, flour or cornstarch.
Just place it at the point of entrance, which makes it harder for the ants
to cross.
Also important: Cats and dogs may get into these natural solutions
as well, so take extra precautions.

b) Snails-
If you have a few plants or even a larger vegetable garden and are tired
of seeing snails, head to the liquor or grocery store for some beer.
Pour a little beer into a shallow cup and leave it where you see
the invasive pests. Snails love beer and will climb into the cup
for a taste, but won’t be able to get out.

c) Snakes-
The thought of snakes getting into your backyard creates a lot of fear
in people and if you’re attracting a lot of snakes to your property, then
you may want to do the following…
Trim bushes, hedges and grass. Snakes love to hide in tall grass.
Keep pet food inside.
Install a snake-proof fence
Remove bird feeders, birdbaths and other sources of food and water.
And place mothballs down on the grass and in the garden.

d) Mosquitos-
Now that we know that mosquitoes can transmit certain diseases, it’s
vitally important to keep them out of your yard. To keep them out,
use fans and remove sources of water. Plan on having a big outdoor
Just place a few big fans outside, turn them ton and enjoy a bee, fly
and mosquito-free evening or event.

e) Save Coffee Grounds and Citrus Peels-
Another way to keep certain pests from invading your outdoor activities is
to place coffee grounds and orange, lime or lemon peels around.
A number of critters (pests) hate the scents and will look for greener
Citrus peels are especially effective on cats, so if you don’t want your cat(s)
on the counters or in your gardens (digging) use citrus peels.

* Clarissa Benny, Certified Pest Control Technician

That’s it, and if you want more tips like these, just click on buy recipes
at the top and purchase our E-Doc. In it, you’ll find natural and safe ways to
keep ticks, gnats, wasps, mosquitoes, flies, spiders, ants and gnats out of
your home and yard. Title of the E-Doc: Natural Solutions To “Pest-Proof”
Your Backyard!