When people think of glands, what gland is most often discussed?
If you said the thyroid, give yourself a hand.

The thyroid gland is known as the body’s master “switch,” and it controls
energy, mood, digestive function, weight and more.
And if it (the thyroid) becomes overworked, you can suffer from chronic
stress, weight gain, anxiety and depression.
It (the thyroid) is the only gland that has an effect on every cell in the

So, if you’re concerned and want to keep your thyroid in tip-top
shape, these are 3 best nutrients that repair and protect it.

The 3 Nutrients:
a) Magnesium-
Found in dark chocolate and leafy greens, magnesium helps convert
thyroid hormone into its usable form and speeds breakdown of belly fat
by 25%.

b) Iodine-
Iodine is added to table salt and it’s found in seaweed, eggs and cod.
It boosts thyroid function by 55%. Another benefit: More iodine also
helps lower body mass index. (BMI).
Important tip: You may want to get iodine from table salt, but if your
blood pressure is a little high, you may want to avoid it, (the table salt).

c) Selenium-
Find selenium in Brazil nuts and tuna. Both foods rev the thyroid to make
more hormone while detoxing the gland. Boost selenium levels and you’ll
lose 90% more fat.

Now that you’re aware of the three nutrients that boost thyroid, you may not
want to spend money on buying the nutrients, so for you, there’s a snack.
A snack to boost thyroid health.
The snack: Thyroid-boosting trail mix.
To make:
Combine 1 cup of roasted Brazil nuts, 1 cup of almonds, 1/2 cup
of dark choc. chips, 1 cup of gluten-free and sugar-free cereal,
2 tsp. of iodized salt and 1 to 2 tsp. of dark honey.
Stir well and enjoy. Eat 1/2 cup each day.

And lastly, here are some other things about your thyroid you may not know.
A healthy thyroid lowers diabetes risk by 35%, heart disease risk by 45%,
depression by 50% and constant fatigue by 80%. And the benefits of
a healthy thyroid: Hair growth increases by 70% and memory increases by 82%.

* Taz Bhatia, M.D.
* Izabella Wentz, Pharm. D. Thyroid expert
* Journal-Brain and Behavior
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Also make sure to take a look at yesterday’s post: Low-Cost and No-Sweat Ways
To Get Healthier.