Are you feeling a little blue? Has the pandemic, (Co-Vid-19) and staying indoors
for close to 2 years caused your once upbeat mood to turn dark and negative?

Well, believe it or not, it may not all be in your head, but your gut.

The Gut?
Improving gut health is one of the most effective ways to chase away
mild forms of depression.
Plus, your gut is filled with trillions of bacteria (the microbiome) that directly influences
production of happiness hormones, and today, medical professionals are recognizing
that feeding your gut with certain foods may help you overcome the sad and blue moods.

The Foods:
Probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, pickles, green olives, kefir and the Korean
“superfood” Kimchi.
Yogurt and fermented foods fortify the microbiome, which can reverse mild to
moderate depression.
Another tip: After eating some top quality yogurt or kimchi, doctors are now
recommending that you eat tangerines or kiwi. Why, you ask?
These foods are good sources of fiber and vitamin C, which supercharge the
bugs ability to breed, leading to a brighter outlook in a matter of weeks.

Look for kimchi at Asian markets, regular grocery stores or make your
own. Need a recipe? Go to and type recipe for Kimchi
in the search bar.

Another tip:
If you have been feeling a little blue and want to see if Kimchi and kefir
can help, it’s also important to cut way down or cut out entirely the foods
that wreak havoc on your gut, i.e. processed foods, sugary foods, white
foods, (bread, rice, noodles, etc) and fried foods.

* Journal of Alternative Health
* British Research Team
* Gastroenterology, The Magazine
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