Natural supplements for women in their 60’s and 70’s who want to steady their
The painful and killer cramps and monthly irritability may not be plaguing you
now that you’re in your 60’s and 70’s, but you may need help with blue moods and
bone loss and if this describes you, look below for 2 simple solutions.

Before taking any type of supplement, make sure to talk to your health-care
provider or doctor first.

a) Help For 60 Year Olds-
Ladies at this age, the decrease in estrogen affects your brain and that decrease
can cause blue moods and persistent sadness and to get out a funk and turn
things around, look into taking a saffron extract.
Taking 30mg, to 90mg. daily-can cut your blue moods in half in 3 months or less.
Saffron ups the production of serotonin, a “happy” hormone that calms your
nervous system.
Look for saffron extract at health food stores, (GNC) Whole Foods, Walmart,
or online at and

b) Help For 70 Year Olds-
Thinning bones are a major concern for women in this age group and
if you’re fast approaching 70 or in your 70’s take vitamin B-12.
Estrogen slows bone thinning-so the longer you go without this hormone,
the more important it is to give your bones TLC so they stay strong
and break-resistant. And the vitamin B-12-it revs production of bone-strengthening
cells called osteoblasts, and can protect against thinning if you take 1,000 mcg.
Also get vitamin B-12 from meat. Beef ribs, liver, steak, roast beef, etc.

c) An Exercise Tip-
If you’re in your 30’s or 70’s you may want to take a daily 30 or 40 minute
walk. Walking in a brisk manner boosts your brain production of mood-lifting
painkilling hormones that prevent many symptoms caused by estrogen
ups and downs.
Not able to get outside and walk? Go to and type indoor
walking videos in the search bar and walk along while looking at
your computer.

* Anne Louise Gittleman, Ph.D.
* The British Journal of Medicine
* UCLA Research Dept.
Ladies, this is just a small sample, if you’re in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s
or 50’s and want some help balancing your hormones, (monthly cramps,
extremely painful PMS symptoms, and insomnia-click on buy recipes at
the top and look for the E-Document- Health Tips For Women of All Ages.
In addition to help with the hormones, you’ll also receive help for
middle-age weight gain, brain aging, making it to age 100, and many more
tips. Don’t delay, order this E-Doc today.