Cowboy up and eat a Cowboy breakfast.

Do you feel less energetic as the years go by?
Well, it’s a condition called Sarcopenia, which translates into gradual
muscle loss.
If this is your or a family members’ situation, there’s something you
can do about it.

The simple things you can do include eating certain foods and getting
outdoors, and after doing this, you’ll not only increase muscle tone and
strength, but you’ll also boost your energy and immunity levels
and lower your risks of heart disease, diabetes and memory loss.

So, if you want to regain some of the strength and energy you had 5, 10,
or even 15 years ago, do the following…
a) Go Slowly-
No, you don’t have to train with weights for hours to regain strength,
researchers say that practicing the slow, gentle movements of Tai-Chi
significantly boosted muscle mass while also lowering inflammation,
so you feel strong and energetic.
Not sure how to do Tai-Chi? Just head to and look up
videos that teach the gentle, slow movements.

b) Head Outdoors-
Another win for sunshine. If you’re over 60 years of age, you may be
in the 65% range as vitamin D deficient. The simple fix: get outdoors
and sit outdoors (without sunscreen) for 15 to 20 mins.
And if you’re unable to take advantage of the sun, you may want to
take a vitamin D-3 supplement, about 3,000 IU per day.
More good news: In addition to gaining more strength, getting more vitamin D
also cuts Co-Vid complications, reduces heart disease risk and boosts bone
density by 40%.
Important tip: Make sure to talk to your doctor or private health provider
before taking any type of supplement.

c) Buy Some Germs-
Also known as wheat germ. Women who suffer a loss of strength and energy
as they age are usually low in testosterone, and a simple Rx to increase
energy and strength is to eat wheat germ. Sprinkle it on breakfast smoothies,
yogurt bowls, soups and veggie-stir-fries. Wheat germ is loaded with
zinc, magnesium, and youth-boosting nutrients that increase testosterone
by 35%.
Important tip: Look for top quality wheat germ at stores like Whole Foods
or online at

d) Enjoy a Big Breakfast-
The data are still muddied when it comes to breakfast, some say “it’s the
most important meal of the day” and then there are those who say
“if you’re not hungry, skip it.”
Well, we’re here to tell you if you eat breakfast at 7:00 am or 11:00 am,
just make sure it’s a big breakfast or Southern breakfast or a Cowboy
Why, you ask?
A big breakfast of eggs, bacon (or sausage links),
a few slices of avocado, hash browns and coffee (or tea)
will help increase muscle mass and strength, more so than those
who wait until the evening to eat their protein.
Women who are older and eat 1 gram of protein per 4 pounds of body
(about 2 eggs and 2 sausage links) need this type of breakfast to
hold onto or increase muscle mass and bone density.
And lastly, the body absorbs more protein in the morning, so adding it
during your morning meal will give you the biggest benefit.

e) A Recipe For That Big Breakfast-
Need a recipe for a cowboy breakfast?
Here, you go, copy the ingredients, head to the grocery store and
then head home to start increasing your muscle mass and energy
levels. And one more tip: This breakfast is so filling, you may not want
to eat lunch or dinner. A win-win all-around.
Recipe for Potato Sausage Skillet Scramble!
4 sausage links, Italian sausage, cut into 1″ pieces
1/2 onion, chopped
1 bell pepper, chopped
2 cups of frozen hash browns, thawed
6 eggs, beaten
In a large skillet, heat up the sausage cooking and stirring until it’s
no longer pink. About 6 to 8 mins.
Add the onion, pepper, and hash browns; cook, stirring until golden brown
about 10 mins. Add the eggs, some spices, (salt, pepper and turmeric) cook;
stirring until fully cooked. Serves 4.
That’s it, the Cowboy Rx For Increasing or Keeping Your Muscle Mass.

* Geriatrics & Gerontology International
* Clinical Interventions in Aging
* Polish Research Team
* Yale University–Research Team
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