We can learn a lot from the people from India, food-wise.
The people have used food to heal and prevent ailments and illnesses
for centuries and we’re not talking about Chai tea or Ghee, and if you’ve ever wondered
what are the “superfoods” they eat, you’re in luck, listed below are the top 5 “superfoods”
from India.

5) Black Chana-
Also known as Kala Chana, which translates to black chickpeas.
In the U.S. chickpeas are quite popular, but we must give thanks to
the Indians for introducing them to us in the U.S.
Chana are high in protein, fiber, iron potassium, folate and diabetic-friendly.
Place some in a bowl, add water and let them soak for a few hours or overnight,
in the morning, remove the water and eat like you would peanuts.
They help boost energy levels especially before a workout.
The chickpeas can also be processed into a flour called Besan and this flour
can be used just as you use white flour.
Need recipes? Head online to youtube.com and type recipes for chickpea flour,
tasty snacks (nuts), and Hummus.

4) Cashews-
In the U.S. cashews are often given a bad rap, too fattening and raises cholesterol,
but not in India. The Indians eat a top quality cashew and in so doing, they enjoy better
cholesterol levels. In addition to “raising the good cholesterol” cashews are rich
in Vitamin B6, and are anti-inflammatory, anti-cancerous, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidative
and rich in folate.
So, if you’re suffering from PMS (women), need a natural anti-depressant or you
want to gain weight, (mix cashews with milk or Ghee) look for a high quality cashew
and eat a small handful a day.

3) Pomegranate-
Some health enthusiasts are doing youtube videos on the benefits of pomegranate,
but Indians have known about these benefits for ages. And if you want to reduce fever,
boost energize levels, tame period pain (women) raise appetite, cure motion sickness,
perk up your heart and get rid of intestinal worms, eat the seeds and drink the
juice of pomegranates.
One more benefit: If you or a loved is noticing age spots or discolored skin on your face
or hands, take the peel (rind) of a pomegranate, clean it and simmer it in a pot of water
for 5 to 7 mins. Let the water cool and pour it into a container. Drink a little of the water
each day and rub some of the liquid on those discolorations.

2) Bottle Gourd-
It’s a summer vegetable, that’s looks like a light-colored zucchini or cucumber.
It’s also low in calories and sodium and used in stir-fry veggie dishes, baked in tomato
sauce with cheese or run through a juicer with apples and/or berries for a refreshing
Summer drink. And the benefits: It helps you cool down in the Summer and prevents
or gets rid of kidney stones.

1) Sugar Cane-
That’s not a misprint, the Indians don’t eat chemically processed sugar like they do in
the U.S. they eat a top quality form of sugar that can be made into Mishri, Jaggery
or Jaggery powder. And if you have problems with your liver (Jaundice) or need to
build muscle or even lose some weight, (mix it with ginger) then you must eat a
top quality form of sugar cane. And one last tip: If you should find sugar cane
whole (in the stalks) make sure to chew on some (and spit it out), it’ll help keep
your teeth and gums in tip-top shape.

That’s it, your top 5 “superfoods” from India. And if you’re wondering why kiwi,
broccoli, kale or blueberries didn’t make the list, Indians considered foods that
are only grown locally as superfoods, not foods that have to travel by air or ships.

* SCImplify, Youtube Channel
* Fit Tuber, Youtube Channel
* Rasika Magazine, Flavors of India
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