Since we’re spending a lot of time indoors, many
of us are feeling the effects.
The effects as in more aches and pains.

To alleviate some of that pain, make sure to keep
moving, gentle stretching exercises, walk around the
neighborhood and have some soup.

Yes, soup. The following recipe is loaded with delicious
and nutritious foods that ease Winter aches and pain.

Salsa Chicken Soup!
The grocery list:
1 jar of salsa
1 qt. chicken broth (unsalted)
1 can of black or red beans, (cleaned and rinsed)
2 cups of cooked chicken (breast and legs) chopped up
Avocado slices *
crushed tortilla chips
fresh cilantro or parsley

Directions: In a large pot, combine salsa, chicken broth and beans.
Bring to a simmer, over medium-high heat.
Reduce heat to medium, add chicken. Cook until heated through,
about 5 minutes. Ladle into bowls; place a few avocado slices on top
and some cilantro (or parsley) and crushed tortilla chips.

One half of an avocado a few times a week
reduce muscle aches and joint pain by 55%.