Turning back the clocks in November, the shorter days and less sunlight
does more than disrupt our sleep, it can also throw off our body clocks.

And thrown off body clocks can lead to insomnia, low energy levels
and a slower metabolism.

Luckily, there are some things you can do to resync your body clock,
helping you to feel healthier and more energetic going into January
and February.

Tip For The Mornings-
If getting up and ready to start your day is harder this time of year,
you can turn things around by enjoying a treat that’s beloved by millions
of Americans. The treat: Dark Chocolate. (low in sugar)
The combination of fats and sugar in a small piece of dark choc. triggers
an early uptick in blood sugar and core body temperature that resets the
brain’s “master clock” making you alert during the day and drowsy at night.

Tip For The Afternoons-
Many people feel their energy waning at about 11:00 am or 12:00 pm
and if you find yourself reaching for a candy bar or energy drink, don’t do it.
Instead, take a brisk 10 min. walk or walk around a store (or the office)
or do some light stretching. Moving at this time sends a signal to your brain
that you’re supposed to be active. That way your body doesn’t release
the sleep hormone melatonin until later in the evening.

Tip For Dinner Time-
Get your body to relax and wind down for a good night’s sleep.
And to achieve this, eat pasta.
That’s not a misprint, often given a bad rap as a food that adds calories
and causes weight gain, but eating carbs in the evening triggers a spike
in the hormone insulin. As your insulin level begins to dip after dinner (it’s
naturally lower overnight) it’ll alert your brain that it’s time to wind down.
See recipe below for a popular Italian dish.
One more tip: To make the pasta more “waist-friendly” cook it, and then
let it cool, refrigerate it and reheat it the next day.
Doing this makes it a resistant-starch and the more resistant starch a
food has, the better it is for your waistline and blood sugar levels.

Tip For Bedtimes-
Now that’s it 10:00 or 11:00 pm, it’s time for bed and if you have trouble
getting to sleep and staying asleep, try these secrets.
* Warm masks, washcloths and warm socks.
Place a cloth mask or washcloth in the dryer for a min. and then
place it over your eyes. Placing the mask over your eyes for 5 mins.
draws heat away from your core, which sends a signal to your brain that it’s
time to sleep. If this tip alone works, fine don’t do anything else, but if you need
something else to help you fall into a deep slumber, put on a pair of warm

Recipe For A Cheesy Turkey Lasagna!
1 lb. of ground turkey
2 cups of Marinara Sauce
1 container of ricotta cheese (16 oz.) whole milk or skim
1/2 cup of grated Parmesan
2 Eggs, beaten
1 package of Mozzarella reg. or skim 16 oz.
1 Tbs. of Italian seasoning
9 oven-ready lasagna noodles
To make:
Turn the oven on to 350*F.
In a skillet over medium heat, cook turkey: stirring until browned.
Add the sauce. Cook and stir for a few minutes, add the Italian
seasoning and cook on low for 5 to 7 mins.
In a bowl, combine the Parmesan, eggs and Ricotta cheese,
Spray a large baking dish with Pam and then place some of the sauce
on the bottom, 3 noodles and the cheese, Repeat this process until all of the
noodles are gone. Sprinkle the mozzarella on top, cover with foil and bake
for 30 minutes. Remove the foil and cook for another 5 minutes.
Or if you want a golden brown top, turn the broiler on 350*F for 5 minutes.
Remove from the oven and let it sit on the stovetop for 20 minutes before slicing
into and serving.