If you buy produce from the farmers’ market, a farm stand or a grocery store, make
sure to hold on to to the tops, or scraps.

Use the tops of beets, carrots and radishes.
And if you’re not sure how to use them, look below for some tips to turn them
into sides and sauces.

1) Radish Tops-
Are you a fan of pesto? Well, don’t spend a small fortune on fresh basil, just
use radish tops. The tops lend pesto a vibrant freshness with a kick of
peppery spice that you can use on pizza or pasta.
To make:
In a food processor, pulse 1 bunch of clean radish leaves, 1/4 cup of Parmesan
cheese, 2 Tbs. almonds, 1 clove of garlic, and 2 Tbs. of lemon juice, with
motor running, stream into 1/2 cup of olive oil. Process until smooth.

2) Carrot Tops-
Are you a fan of chimichurri? Replace the parsley with carrot tops which
give the sauce a sweet earthy flavor.
To make:
In a processor, puree 1 to 2 cups of carrot tops, 1 tsp. of capers, 1 clove of
garlic 1 shallot, 2 Tbs. red wine vinegar, 1/4 cup of olive oil and a pinch of
pepper flakes. Use this chimichurri as a steak sauce or serve it over chicken
or fish.

3) Beet Greens-
Sauteed in a little oil and these greens will give kale or spinach tough competition.
And another benefit: If you’re a vegetarian and want more iron in your diet, eat
beet greens. Pair the greens with feta cheese and olives for a tasty salad.
To make:
Chop 3 cups clean beet leaves (stems removed). Toss with 1 tomato (diced), half
a cucumber, (diced), 1/2 cup of olives, 1/2 cup of crumbled feta cheese, 1/4 cup
of olive oil and 2 Tbs. balsamic vinegar.

That’s it- 3 tips for using vegetable scraps, and if you buy produce and aren’t
sure if you can eat the tops, go online to google.com and type the vegetable
top and if it’s edible in the search bar. Also use the web to find recipes for
those throwaway veggie scraps.

* Florida State University
* Journal of Alternative Medicine
* Michigan State University Research Dept.
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