If your new year resolutions are becoming happier and/or living longer,
you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars to achieve either goal.

According to wellness coach and medical doctor, Andrew Weil, it’s
easy and affordable to get both things and all you have to do are
7 things.

The 7 Keys to a Longer and Happier Life…
a) Exercise-
No need to take up marathon running or spend 2 hours in a gym lifting
weights, Dr. Weil says find something that makes you happy- be it gardening
or dancing at a community center a few times each week, just make sure you do
it 3 to 5 times a week.

b) Eat an Anti-Inflammatory Diet-
This simply means eating clean. No processed foods. You know the foods that
have 5 or more unrecognized ingredients on the label. Need help finding an anti-
inflammatory diet? No problem, just head to AndrewWeil.com and type
Anti-inflammatory diet in the search bar.
It also means you’ll have to stop eating out so much and cooking at home.
Doing so, allows you to control what types of seasonings, fats and oils
you’ll be using in your cooked meals.

c) Eat More Fatty Fish-
Salmon, trout, cod and sardines are all fatty and will supply your body with the
recommended amounts of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids.
Not a fan of fish? Ask your doctor for a good vitamin D and omega-3 supplements
and the proper doses.

d) Do Some Breathing Exercises-
Deep breathing to be exact. It’s vitally important to keep the lungs in
tip-top shape especially as we age and deep breathing is one of the ways
to achieve it.
Not sure how to deep breathe or breathe properly?
Head on over to Youtube.com and type deep breathing exercises in
the search bar. You may also want to start off with some beginner
breathing exercises.

e) Limit Media Exposure-
It’s not just for kids to limit television time and exposure to phones, laptops
and Ipads, it’s also something a lot of adults should do. So, try and keep it
under 2 hours each day.
Important tip:
We’re talking about your off time, and not the time you spend at work
or school.

g) Laugh More-
This has been around for the past 15 years, but it needs to be repeated.
Spend a few minutes each day watching a sitcom, (Seinfeld, Friends)
or head to youtube and type in a comedian you enjoy in the search bar.
Kevin Hart, Rodney Dangerfield or Richard Pryor.

h) Practice Gratitude-
Another secret to being happier and living a few extra years: Counting
your blessings and being grateful for the things you do have and stop
focusing on the things you don’t have, i.e. a perfect body, loads of money
in the bank, a house on the lake, etc.
Another Youtube tip: You can also listen to gratitude videos online.
One to try: Youarecreators-400 Gratitude Affirmations.
Another tip on being more grateful: Get some scrap paper or index cards
and each morning and/or night- write out 5 things you were grateful
for that day. An example- a coworker bought lunch, a stranger complemented
me, I didn’t hit one traffic light while heading into work, etc. Look over the list
and think about it for a few minutes.

That’s it, 7 incredibly simple tips to living a longer and happier life,
courtesy of wellness expert and doctor, Andrew Weil, M.D.

* Andrew Weil, M.D. from the Center for Integrative Medicine, Arizona
* AndrewWeil.com/7 Tips to a Happier Life

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