Slimming Down For The New Year! 2023!

It’s unfortunate but many people will gain weight this winter.
Blame it on the endless supply of goodies that start in Oct. (Halloween)
and go on until Valentine’s day, (Chocolate) and don’t forget the cold
and not being able to exercise outdoors, but let’s not make excuses,
there are some things you can do to combat winter weight gain.

And those things are diet. No, not a low-carb or Mediterranean diet, but
eating more of the foods that’ll help prevent weight gain and if you’re
already affected, foods that’ll speed up the weight loss.

The Six Foods:
a) Berries-
Very popular starting in Jan. mainly to make smoothies, but just eating a
bowl of mixed berries daily or adding them to hot or cold cereal is also
beneficial for weight loss.
Have a cup a day and you melt 4 pounds and 3 inches off of your stomach
in about 1 month. Berries contain compounds called carotenoids, that switch
on the genes that break down stored abdominal fat for fuel.
Important tip:
Buy fresh or frozen berries and eat them in their natural state,
do not add sugar to make a pie or cobbler.

b) Endive-
A not too popular green, but if you eat foods that spike blood sugar,
this green is the perfect medicine. Nutrients in endive, (flavonoids)
slow sugar absorption in the intestines for up to 3 hours per serving,
making this tasty green as effective as legumes at blocking the sugar
spikes that fuel belly-fat formation. Try and eat a cup of endive each day
to really slim down that stomach.

c) Coconut-
Like berries, depending on how you use it (coconut), it can help or hurt
you. Unsweetened shredded coconut or a little of the oil (2 Tbs. a day) can rev
up liver cells to burn fatty acids for energy. A small amount each day could help
you lose up to 65% more abdominal fat.

d) Cherries-
Often touted as a food that helps relieves aches and pain (especially gout),
well today, researchers have discovered that cherries are also effective
at lowering the stress that may be causing you to overeat.
Cherries are brimming with pigments (anthocyanins) that calm your
adrenal glands, cutting their production of the fat-storing stress hormone
cortisol by 35%. Eat a bowl of 20 to 25 cherries each day and you’ll
speed up your weight loss.
Important tip:
Choose cherries that are really red and dark, as these are the ones that
contain the most anthocyanins.

e) Radishes-
The peppery tasting vegetables work extremely well at targeting
visceral fat. Eat about 3 to 5 each day and you’ll boost fat burn
by 25% for 2 hours. Radishes target the inflammation-producing
adipose tissue that surround the abdominal organs and radishes
contain compounds that signal adipose tissue to torch that excess fat.
Cooking tip:
If adding a few slices to a salad gets old (and boring) slice as you would
a potato, place on a baking sheet, pour on a Tbs. of coconut oil and enjoy
a tasty and less starchy type of baked fries.

f) Eggs-
If cravings are the biggest problem derailing your otherwise good eating
habits, then you may want to add an egg or two to your daily menus.
Eggs help you banish cravings and fast track the slimming down process,
which translate into a 10 to 15 pound weight loss and 3 to 5 inches off
your waist in a matter of months. Eggs contain vitamin B-12 and choline,
2 nutrients that shut down your stomach’s production of ghrelin, the
troublesome, hunger-promoting hormone.
Helpful tip:
To make the eggs more effective, why not cook them in a little coconut oil,
and serve them on a bed of endive and sliced radishes, and then have a bowl
of mixed berries as a sweet treat?

* Stanford University, Research Dept.
* Australia Research Scientists
* Cleveland Clinic, Research Dept.

Please pass this article on to loved ones, friends, etc. or to anyone
who struggles with Winter weight gain. You can share it over Facebook,
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