In the news this week it’s been revealed that over 600, 000 Americans
will die from heart disease this year.
It may be due to clogged arteries, high cholesterol, bad habits (junk
food diet and/or smoking) and some other things and if you have
2 or more symptoms, you too, will be at risk of suffering from and
even dying of a heart attack.

So, look below, and do yourself and your loved ones
a big favor and try to adopt the 5 simple tips listed.

a) Get Some Exercise-
It could be 150 minutes (each week)of moderate exercise, (walking at a leisurely
pace for 20 minutes each day or cleaning up your house or apartment for 15 mins.)
and for those in already good shape, reduce the time to 75 minutes a week,
but it must be vigorous. Run for 30 minutes every 2 days or lift weights
for 25 minutes a few times a week.

b) Don’t Smoke-
This is a “no brainer, but millions still smoke. Unable to stop?
Get help from a medical professional or ask those who’ve quit their
secrets. Another tip: Go to and look for quitting smoking

c) Keep Blood Pressure-
In the normal range 120/80 or a little below normal 115/75.
Again, ask your personal care physician on tips to lower your numbers.

d) Blood Sugar and Cholesterol-
Like blood pressure, you must keep these numbers in the normal range
as well. Not sure what the numbers should be? Ask your own doctor
or a nurse practitioner to help you.

e) Diet-
Of course diet is important to heart health and if you’re still eating
like a 17 yr. old high-school athlete with a fast metabolism, it’s time to change.
2 diets that receive lots of praise for keeping the heart healthy are
The Mediterranean diet and a plant-based diet.
Again, ask medical professionals for some help with explaining the
diets and some recipes or head to YouTube and take advantage
of the thousands of videos explaining both diets and showing you
great meal ideas.

f) The tips listed above were taken from and if you
want a few more tips, head to, and type–lower your risk
of heart disease by Dr. Kristie Leong in the search bar.

* WebMD-popular medical website
* Full Article-7 Simple Steps to Avoiding a Heart Attack
* R. Todd Hurst, M.D. Cardiologist and Author of the Article

Please pass this valuable information on to family and friends
who may have elevated blood sugar numbers, cholesterol
or blood pressure. Share it online at Facebook, What’sApp, Pinterest,
Snapchat, Reddit, Instagram (stories) Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).
