If the heat and humidity affect your sleeping patterns now that it’s getting
warmer, there are 2 simple things you can do to get to sleep and stay asleep.

The 2 things:
1) Get Outside-
Another health perk of spending some time outdoors and sitting under the sun:
Better sleep. Just 20 mins. spent outside sitting on the porch or enjoying
a lunch-time picnic can help you doze off more easily.
Doing this one step will add up to an hour of sleep for you.
Sitting outside during the midday hours, under the Sun or even under cloudy skies-
resets your body clock, triggering production of more sleep-deepening melatonin
and theta brain waves at night.

2) Eat More-
Produce. New evidence shows that eating more fruit and vegetables can help
you get to sleep more easily and stay asleep. If you eat fewer than 3 servings of fruit
and vegetables and increase it to more than 3 servings, you’ll increase your chances of
getting to sleep faster by 200%, plus sleep more soundly.
And if you’re wondering if there are fruit or vegetables that really benefit your
getting to sleep and staying asleep, there are.
The fruits: Kiwi, one or two a day is great for deep sleep as they contain serotonin,
a brain chemical that’s known to improve sleep quality.
And if you’re familiar with melatonin and are thinking about taking it, don’t, just
heat to your local farmer’s market or supermarket and buy pineapple and cherries.
Both are rich in the sleep-enhancing hormone melatonin.

So, before you think about adding a doctor-prescribed sleep-aid, you may want
to get outside for 20 to 30 minutes each day and add more produce to your daily
menus, especially the above-mentioned fruits.

* University of Michigan, Sleep Research Team
* Journal of Exercise Nutrition and Biochemistry

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