Although we’re still in the Summer, weight loss is on the minds of millions
of people year round, and if you want to lose 10 or 100 pounds, here
are some quick and simple tips to help you.

The tips are from some of the best weight loss experts in the country,
and if you’re happy with your current weight, hold onto this article
and save it for the Fall.
You know, the beginning of eating and indulging season. (i.e. Halloween,
Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.).

Tip No. 1-
A Weight Loss Tonic-
You may be familiar with the 1 tsp. of apple cider vinegar shot in the morning to
help you shed weight, well there’s a new fat-blasting tonic you may want to try.
The tonic: Stir 1 to 2 Tbs. of top quality A.C.V. into a glass, add 2 to 3 dashes
of cayenne pepper, a 1/4 tsp. of turmeric, 1/4 tsp. of ginger and some lemon
juice and stevia (optional) and 5 or 6 ozs. of water. Drink this concoction
twice a day for faster weight loss.

Tip. No. 2-
The Tastier Gastric Bypass-
Getting a gastric bypass to lose weight is quite popular in the U.S.
but for those who can’t afford it or are frightened of the side effects,
there’s something for you that’s just as effective, safer and way less
What is it?
That’s right, doctors say you may want to heal your gut first, before trying
the bypass and the best foods for gut repair are prebiotic foods-like…
still a little green bananas, plantains, green apples, kiwi, leeks, garlic and onions.
These foods trigger the same GI changes as gastric bypass surgery,
so you’ll reduce calorie absorption, turn off cravings and activate genes linked
to effortless weight control.

Tip No. 3-
There’s always a debate about which bread is better for you, in relation to
weight loss and if you think it’s 4 or 9 whole grain bread, gluten-free or
sprouted bread, you’re wrong. Researchers say 1 to 2 slices of pumpernickle
bread each day is better for you because it fills you up quickly, helping you to eat
less of the other foods that may be tempting you.

Tip No. 4-
The Paleo Diet-
Researchers say that compared to other diets, Paleo’s better at neutralizing
enzymes linked to fat storage. Need info on the Paleo diet? Head to
and type in Paleo diet or foods of the Paleo diet in the subject line.

Tip No. 5-
Shrink Those Cells-
Fat cells to be exact. And to do that, make sure you expose your skin to the Sun
now that it’s warmer and sunnier. People put on weight in the fall and winter,
especially people that live in parts of the country where it gets dark earlier and
aren’t able to get outdoors.

Tip No. 6-
Importance of Sleep-
Yes, you’re probably aware of the importance of sleep. But if you’re concerned about
weight gain, make sure you get 6 to 8 hours of quality sleep each night.
Sleeping 6 to 8 hours each night also increases your daytime energy levels,
which can translate into you being more active, helping you burn more calories
during the day.

Tip No. 7-
Stand Up-
The old standby of getting up from your chair and moving about is often
recommended, but today, all you have to do is stand up.
Standing up for 5 minutes releases hunger-promoting hormones.
For every hour you sit, make sure you stand up for 5 mins.

Tip No. 8-
Just 15 minutes-
Another old standby- exercise for 30 to 60 each day. Not anymore,
just 15 minutes a day is enough to tone up, boost energy levels and
deepen sleep.

Tip No. 9-
Head Outdoors-
Another secret to weight loss: Decreasing the fattening hormones in your system,
and a great way to do this is to head outdoors and work in the garden or take a
30 minute walk.

Tip No. 10-
Eat More-
Water-rich foods.
Increasing the amount of water-rich fruits and vegetables can help
you feel full faster and speed up weight loss.
Some of the foods that’ll help: Cauliflower, all melons, peppers,
radishes, tomatoes and cucumbers.
Important tip: Read our past post on cucumbers and their ability to
help you shed weight fast.

Tip No. 11-
Buy These Pants-
You may be familiar with the hot suits or rubberized suits
20 to 30 years ago. Well, these suits have been deemed dangerous
and not too effective for those hoping to lose weight, so if you’re in
reasonably good shape and aren’t suffering from medical issues-
(high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc.) then you may want to
invest in a pair of Compression pants. These pants can raise metabolism
by 15% if you wear them while walking or doing household chores.
The pants support the circulatory system and speed up oxygen through
your system, maximizing weight loss.

Tip No. 12-
Sugar Cravings-
Now that it’s warmer you may not have the cravings that you have in the Fall
and winter, and a great way to curb sugar cravings is citrus.
Stir 1 tsp. (or 2) of fresh lime juice into 8 oz. of water and sip slowly.
The tangy beverage activates the brain region that increases self-control.
Save this tip for the Fall and winter eating events that’ll be here very quickly.

That’s it- 12 simple tips to help you lose weight or prevent weight gain.

* Journal of American Nutrition
* Northeastern University, Boston Mass. Research Dept.
* Loren Cordain, Ph.D. creator of the Paleo diet
* Weight Watchers International

Please pass these incredibly simple weight loss tips on to family
and friends who want to lose 5 or 50 pounds.
Share these tips over at Facebook, Instagram (stories), Pinterest,
Reddit, Snapchat, Tik-Tok and Twitter.
